Math Ex Panel Discussion: NFTs; Beyond The Drama
What the f*ck are NFTs? If you open up Twitter on this topic it’s likely that your timeline is taken over by a multitude of perspectives. On the one hand, you’ve got the people pushing their next “drop” and begging you to become part of the next platform that will democratise art. On the other hand, a group of people claim that NFTs are bullshit and should be ignored. How should we position between these extremes?
In this panel we’ve invited creative coders Darien Brito, Raphaël de Courville, and curator/researcher Michelle Kasprzak to share their story. From first-hand experiences in the NFT space we’ll learn about the experience of earning (a lot of) money, and the ethical and practical considerations of choosing “doing” NFTs. Also: the dynamics of the communities that drive different NFT platforms. The stories around the rise & fall and uprise of the Hic et Nunc platforms deserve to become a Netflix series by their own right. Join the panel to learn about the potential and pitfalls of NFTs and gather insight on their use beyond the financial perspective.