Walkshop: Co-mapping Amelisweerd
Explore and map different meanings and perspectives of ‘positive health’ at the forest of Oud Amelisweerd.
The project addresses the participation of citizens in imagining and shaping sustainable urban futures, focusing on the ecologies of Amelisweerd. How can we use data and other creative participatory methods to engage with the human & more-than-human aspects. Do you want to add yours?
By taking part in this walk-shop (a walk combined with a workshop), you will have the opportunity to learn about different perspectives of positive health in the forest, get to know other communities in the area, and start imagining what a shared vision for Oud-Amelisweerd may look like. The walk-shop will also give you an insight into alternative ways of learning through creative methods: it is focused on experiential and embodied knowledge production, which can trigger creative thinking and problem-solving by shifting perspective or seeing what we may already know in a new light.
14:00 - Welcome and introduction
14:30 - Data Walk
15:30 - Co-mapping workshop
16:30 - Reflection and drinks