Queer Code Meetup
The Queer Code meetup is back! In the evening of April 10th you can meet up with fellow queer creatives, artists and digital makers to share insights, seek inspiration and exchange knowledge, and overall just have a good time 😊
Open Call
We have various speakers lined up for you to come and listen to, but it’s also possible to participate as a speaker yourself! If you sign up you can show us your work (in progress) in a place where we want to celebrate queer creativity in a way that welcomes everyone, and all skills, tools or techniques used. The more diverse, the more exciting! You can sign up via dm or email: info@creativecodingutrecht.nl to have the stage to yourself for 10 minutes.
You do not have to be queer yourself to join, but since it’s a queer meetup we do favour submissions by queer creatives and LGBTQIA+ subjects or themes. We want to make this a safe space and a fun experience for everyone!
During the evening every speaker will present their work to the public in ten minutes, after which there’s time for questions, tips and inspiring chats. You can also come to just sit down, relax and enjoy the programme. :)