
CCU is a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI). Since Jan. 1, 2014, ANBIs have been required to provide information via the Internet.

Official name

Stichting Creative Coding Utrecht

Fiscal number

Kvk-nummer: 71113142
BTW: 858585030B01


Visiting address: Hof van Cartesius, Vlampijpstraat 84, 3534 AR Utrecht (Google Maps / OpenStreetMap)
⁠Post address: Sluyterslaan 81, 3431 BB Nieuwegein
Email address: info[at]creativecodingutrecht[.]nl


The board of CCU receives no remuneration. For management and permanent employees, CCU has its own salary system, based on the model of De Zaak Nu and taking into account the Fair Practice Code.

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